In 2023, grower owned, co-operative macadamia processor Suncoast Gold released an offering of new shares for the first time in many years in order to grow and strengthen our operations.
This share release is an opportunity for growers to secure a home for their crop, now and into the future. It allows shareholders the opportunity to top up to the minimum of 625 shares per hectare to qualify for guaranteed supply of their NIS to Suncoast Gold.
As a 100% grower-owned cooperative, Suncoast Gold is committed to a sustainable future for the macadamia industry from the farm gate, through to the high quality products produced for our customers around the world.
We worked hard, and were proud to uphold our 2022 fixed price NIS offer price and despite a rapidly falling market, met all payment obligations to our growers. But, as we develop and grow our business, we need a reliable, quality supply of NIS from our growers to meet this increasing demand.
Suncoast Gold is in a unique position in the processing world, with a myriad of opportunities for the business that will provide some very solid foundations moving forward, but these opportunities won’t last and we need to strengthen our position while we have that opportunity.
The macadamia industry is going through some difficult times with low prices, higher input costs, supply chain issues and increased competition, all stemming from a fast growing global crop which will see a sharp increase in supply in coming years.
In order to meet the needs of our customers, market the growing crop of our shareholders, and to remain competitive internationally, our operations must become more efficient, and we must diversify our range and sales opportunities.

2023 share release
Visit the Share Release Page to find out more – note the share release is now closed to new applications. Contact Us to discuss becoming a shareholder in Suncaost Gold.