Update on the 2021 Macadamia Season
The 2021 season has been an amazing one so far for Suncoast Gold Macadamias. This season we have seen a significant increase in the volume of NIS purchased from our growers compared to the 2020 season and made significant gains in market share of the Australian Crop.
So naturally we are ramping up our production, employing more people and working smarter in order to get the crop dried, cracked, sorted, processed, packed and shipped to our customers on time.
There have been many challenges along this journey for us, like many other businesses, our operations and that of many of our key product and service suppliers have been affected by shipping delays, covid-19 restrictions and a very tight employment market in our region. Our business continuance plan has been key to ensuring we can continue to operate and to thrive despite these challenges.
At SGM we understand that our people are the key to our success. SGM was founded as a grower cooperative in 1985 so we have many years experience as a macadamia processor and successful food manufacturing and marketing business. We have a core team of highly experienced managers and hardworking and dedicated staff who are passionate about the quality of the raw and value added macadamia products we produce at our factory in Gympie, Queensland.
We are currently hiring in a number of departments for the 2021 cracking and processing season which will run at peak operation for the remainder of the year. Visit our Facebook site or view available vacancies and more information on our employment page