garry and andrea sheppard awarded grower of the year for gympie farm

The Sheppard family have been part of the macadamia industry in the Bundaberg and Gympie regions since 1989. For over three decades they have been involved in many facets of the industry from developing new orchards, managing large farms, contracting, growing nursery trees and macadamia processing (Goldmac Australian Macadamias).  The Growers of the Year 2020 was awarded based on crop produced in the 2019 season.

Article was first published published in Australian Macadamia Society (AMS) News Bulletin – Summer 2020 pp 18-19

Images below used with permission of AMS.


AMS article - Ozmac
AMS article Ozmac 2

The author Megan Boote works closely with Suncoast Gold growers in her role as Technical Officer in Grower Services.  Megan is based at the Gympie factory and visits farms across South East Queensland assisting growers with pest and disease management.

Contact Megan

mobile 0484 099 462
email [email protected]